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Woofstock 2015

Does anyone else smell wet dog? APO does! On September 12, 2015, our APO chapter at Muhlenberg College teamed up with Friends of Allentown Parks for the 4th annual Allentown Wooftsock. The event took place at Cedar Beach Park and we had APO brothers ready and willing to help from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Woofstock is a massive dog festival for all ages and sizes. With a total of 17 APO brothers, we persevered through the rain and continued our proud relationship with the Friends of Allentown Parks. In addition, our chapter formed closer bonds with the West Park Civic Association, Emmaus High School Interact and Key Club, retired Allentown Parks Department employees, and many other community members. We even met a fellow APO brother from Cedar Crest College. Our APO brothers, helped with the Silent Auction, Grooviest Dog Contest, and Pet & Parent Look-A-Like Contest. We set up stations such as Health and Wellness stations, Doggie games, and various children’s activities. APO is honored to help out with all of the events hosted by Friends of Allentown Parks, such as Cherry Blossom Festival, WinterFest, and next year’s 5th Annual Allentown Woofstock on September 10, 2016.

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