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Susquehanna University's Xi Iota Chapter

Xi Iota is part of Section 90, and we are a relatively large chapter, with about 120 people attending our chapter meeting every week. We also have a lot of students abroad right now since our school has a mandatory abroad program to graduate. The students can go anywhere in the world, either for a semester, or for a few weeks. Our service projects are really varied, and we are coming up on our large spring service project, which is Relay for Life. We have a chapter project that every brother has to participate in, and this semester, it happens to be that!

As far as our families, we are divided up by animals, and most of the families are relatively large. My family, the bunny family, is the largest in our chapter, but other families are starting to catch up to our size! All of the families in our chapter are Bunnies, Ducks, Frogs, Hippos, Lions, Penguins, and Polar Bears. We participate in house cup points, which is a friendly competition between the different houses (families), and it helps to promote fellowship involvement as well as service.

A fun fact for our chapter is that this semester, we were happy to invite 63 new members into our chapter to go through the pledging process, and hopefully become full brothers. Also, our leaders in this chapter are as follows: President, 2 VPs of service, a VP of membership, a VP of Fellowship, a Pledgemaster and an Assistant Pledgemaster, a Secretary, and a Sergeant of Arms. We also have an appointed exec board which includes our Judicial Chair, Fundraising Chair, Website Committee, Inter-Chapter Relations Chair, Spirit Chairs, and Historian.

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